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Welcome to The East African Nature and Science Organization (abbreviated as EANSO). Our mission is to advance academics in Africa and the world as a whole. We do this by publishing both online and print open access journals from different genres of knowledge. Through sophisticated indexing, linkages with research organizations, universities, and other stakeholders, we ensure that scholars submitting to any of our hosted journals get the maximum dissemination for their work. We implement OAI-PHM, LOCKSS and CLOCKSS archiving for information perpetuity. We are also members of the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) for scholarly citations and CrossRef for article-level DOI assignment. You can read more about us, check out our Editorial and Advisory Board, see the peer-review process or proceed to make a submission. We also advise that you go through the frequently asked questions beforehand. If you have any questions and clarifications, feel free to contact us. Below follows the list of our hosted journals.

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