Influence of Training in Determining Academic Staff Performance in Public Universities in Uganda

  • Joseph Rwothumio Kyambogo University
  • Daniel Mange Mbirithi, PhD Kenyatta University
  • Wilfrida Itolondo, PhD Kenyatta University


In an effort by public universities to improve on the performance of lecturers in Uganda, universities are implementing various human resource management practices. Despite this move, ineffective teaching, low research and publication continue to prevail, making it difficult for public universities to produce the needed human resources for national development. This study investigated the relationship between staff training and teaching and research outputs of academic staff in selected public universities. A mixed-method design using convergent parallel approach was employed to collect and analyse data from a population of 4 Vice-Chancellors, 4 Directors of Human Resources and 1127 full-time academic staff. Four universities were selected using purposive sampling based on year of establishment before 2011. Analysis of quantitative data collected was done using Pearson’s Correlation, linear regression and factor analysis. Qualitative data were analysed based on thematic content analysis. Results indicated a moderate positive correlation between staff training and academic staff teaching output (r=0.476, p<0.01), a weak positive relationship between staff training and research output (r=0.347, p<0.01). It was recommended, university management should reformulate policies that help staff exploit relevant training opportunities to improve on the teaching and research output in public universities. Universities should partner with other centres of excellence to provide continuous training for the academic staff in pedagogy and research output.


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26 February, 2021