Effectiveness of Non-Governmental Organisations’ Activities in Basic Education in Supporting School Dropped Out Girls in Shinyanga Region, Tanzania

  • Ezekiel Kassanga St. Augustine University of Tanzania
  • Chrispina Lekule St. Augustine University of Tanzania
Sambaza Makala:


This study examined NGOs' effectiveness in supporting teenage mothers who dropped out of schools due to pregnancy to accomplish basic education out of the public school system in Tanzania using Shinyanga region as a case study. The study employed a mixed approach whereby the study population included 10 NGOs, 20 teenage mothers who are supported by NGOs and 20 parents/guardians of the supported teenage mothers. For the purpose of investigation; interviews, questionnaires and documents review were used as instruments. The results of this study indicated that most of the NGOs activities’ such as sensitisation, sponsorship, provision of learning materials and running of learning centres, among others are generally ineffective in enabling the ever-increasing teenage mothers to accomplish basic education out of public school system. Its consequence is the fact that most teenage mothers are left under the plight of ignorance. Thus, recommendations are made for the government, NGOs, parents and community members to admit the fact that pregnancy among school girls is not a crime against morality but a tragedy for girls hence deliberate remedies should be done for enabling them to access basic education after delivery because educating a girl is to educate the nation.


Bado hatuna takwimu za upakuaji.


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Tarehe ya Uchapishaji
4 February, 2021
Jinsi ya Kunukuu
Kassanga, E., & Lekule, C. (2021). Effectiveness of Non-Governmental Organisations’ Activities in Basic Education in Supporting School Dropped Out Girls in Shinyanga Region, Tanzania. East African Journal of Education Studies, 3(1), 14-25. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.3.1.269