Exploring Affordances of Online and Offline Strategies for Continuity of Learning in Secondary Schools during Pandemics: Lessons from Uganda's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Veronica Namulondo Makerere University
  • Rovincer Najjuma Makerere University
  • Gillian K. Kasirye Makerere University
  • Michael Walimbwa Makerere University
Keywords: Affordances, Online Learning, Offline Learning, Continuity of Education, COVID 19
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The COVID-19 pandemic led to widespread school closures, disrupting learning in institutions worldwide. This study examined the online and offline strategies implemented in Uganda's secondary schools during the pandemic and draws lessons from the country's response. This study was conducted in two schools in Kampala District, the research employed a qualitative multiple case study approach, gathering data through interviews, observations, and focus group discussions. The findings revealed that both online and offline strategies played significant roles in facilitating home-based learning. Printed learning materials, such as textbooks and workbooks, were valued by teachers and students for providing a sense of continuity in their studies. However, limitations such as the lack of immediate clarification and two-way communication were identified. Logistical challenges in distributing the materials also posed difficulties, particularly for students in remote areas. Radio broadcasts emerged as a pivotal offline strategy for reaching students without internet access. Parents and students appreciated the insightful educational content delivered through radio programs, even in remote areas. However, accessibility concerns and the lack of interactivity were highlighted as limitations. These findings are not only pertinent for Uganda but also contribute to the global conversation on resilient educational systems in times of unforeseen disruptions. It is crucial to address the limitations of online and offline strategies to ensure equitable access and effective learning experiences for all students, especially those in remote areas


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5 June, 2024
How to Cite
Namulondo, V., Najjuma, R., Kasirye, G., & Walimbwa, M. (2024). Exploring Affordances of Online and Offline Strategies for Continuity of Learning in Secondary Schools during Pandemics: Lessons from Uganda’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(2), 348-363. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.7.2.1968