Instructional Materials’ Effect on Learners’ Literacy Among Public Pre-Primary II in Webuye West Sub-County, Kenya

  • Stephen Tomno Cheboi, PhD Mount Kenya University
  • Irene Naliaka Nyongesa Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Instructional Materials, Literacy Skills, Pre-Primary, Learning Materials, Skill Acquisition
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Unavailability of instructional materials inhibits the acquisition of literacy competencies among learners at pre-primary level. This study sought to find out how the availability of instructional materials influences learners’ literacy among Pre-Primary II learners in public primary schools in Webuye West Sub-County. Descriptive survey research design that adopted mixed methods approach was used. A population of 3,216 respondents that comprised 55 headteachers and their deputies, 109 pre-primary II teachers and 2,997 pre-primary II learners was engaged in the study. From these, a sample of 86 pre-primary II teachers and 341 pre-primary II learners were randomly drawn while 48 head teachers and 48 deputies were sampled using purposive sampling technique. The researcher collected data using questionnaires from deputy headteachers and pre-primary II teachers, interview guide from headteachers and observation schedule from pre-primary II learners. The questionnaires were piloted using test re-test method and a reliable Cronbach correlation alpha index of 0.79 computed. The instruments were adequately validated. Quantitative data was analysed and presented on tables while qualitative data was analysed thematically as guided by the research objectives. The study found out that schools in the study area did not provide adequate and appropriate instructional materials that would equip learners with literacy skills. It further found out that inadequacy of instructional materials affected the acquisition of literacy skills in pre-school learners. The study recommends that the National and County government should provide adequate teaching and learning materials to enhance the acquisition of literacy skills among pre-primary II learners in public primary schools in Webuye West Sub-County. It also recommends that a similar study is carried out in other areas and consider using a larger population and include more variables such as the role of the teacher in influencing learners’ acquisition of literacy skills in pre-primary II level.


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4 August, 2020
How to Cite
Cheboi, S., & Nyongesa, I. (2020). Instructional Materials’ Effect on Learners’ Literacy Among Public Pre-Primary II in Webuye West Sub-County, Kenya. East African Journal of Education Studies, 2(1), 86-91.

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