Provision of Food to Public Primary Schools and Its Effects on Enrolment of Pupils in Mara Ward, Narok West Sub-County, Narok County, Kenya

  • Rotich Paul Bii Mount Kenya University
  • Stephen Tomno Cheboi, PhD Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Provision of Food, Public Primary Schools, Enrolment of Pupils, Narok County
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The purpose of the study was to evaluate the relationship between the provision of food to public primary schools by FTC and the enrolment of pupils in Mara Ward of Narok West Sub-County, Narok County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The target population was 131 public primary schools in Narok West Sub-County, 1460 teachers and 3150 pupils. A sample of 97 schools, 302 teachers and 344 pupils was drawn. Simple random sampling method in the numbers of schools, teachers and pupils was used. Findings of the study showed that provision of food increased the enrolment rate of pupils in school. This is because meals programmes offered in schools enables the pupils from far and humble backgrounds to have similar treatment to the pupils coming from better backgrounds and close to the schools. These programmes increased the level of admission of new pupils thus increasing the rate of enrolment in most schools. However, offering food in schools does not automatically increase the rate of enrolment for it was realized that quality of food matters the most as well. The findings can help the government to sensitize on the quality of food being offered to be increased. Meals programmes should be implemented in all schools in Mara Ward and even to other parts of the country. In addition, the quality of the food offered should be increased to reduce diseases associated with malnutrition.


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9 June, 2020
How to Cite
Bii, R., & Cheboi, S. (2020). Provision of Food to Public Primary Schools and Its Effects on Enrolment of Pupils in Mara Ward, Narok West Sub-County, Narok County, Kenya. East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(1), 20-27.

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