The Power of Stakeholders’ Security Plan Implementation in Security Management Outcomes: Lessons from Public Secondary schools in Mandera County, Kenya

  • Abdi Haji Daud Mount Kenya University
  • Ruth Thinguri, PhD Mount Kenya University
  • Mary Mugwe, PhD Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Stakeholders, Security Plan, Implementation, Security Management, Outcomes, Public, Secondary Schools
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Security issues as academic and professional responsibility began after the post-World War II. It was generally regarded as a sub study of International Relations and until the time of the Cold War, it was a field of education propelled by the Anglo-American thoughts. In NEP schools are functioning without teachers, counting Mandera where the investigate was carried out. This was catapulted by the Mandera bus ambush by the Al Shabaab. Thus, the current study explored the power of stakeholders’ security plan implementation in security management outcomes with empirical lessons drawn from Public Secondary schools in Mandera County, Kenya. The study was guided by the Stakeholders’ Theory and the Securitization Theory using mixed methodology. The study targeted a population of 17,756 subjects with a sample size of 738. Two pairs of questionnaires were used to collect data from teachers and learners while interviews were used for principals, education officers, and BoM chairs. An observation checklist was also used to collect data on security management outcomes. The research instruments were piloted in 2 schools in Wajir County. The instruments were validated by experts in educational planning and management while test-retest technique was embraced to ascertain reliability for each of the questionnaire item yielding a Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha of at least 0.700. Numerical facts were scrutinized in descriptive and inferential statistics using tables, occurrences, %s, and Chi-square. Non-numerical facts were offered by thematic scrutiny in narrating format. The study found that the schools knew what the government wanted from them in terms of giving a specific manual to all institutions. It was seen that the schools should know about the set guidelines to secure their learners. The study recommends that the safety committees should be put in place in schools and their functionality.


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7 February, 2023
How to Cite
Daud, A., Thinguri, R., & Mugwe, M. (2023). The Power of Stakeholders’ Security Plan Implementation in Security Management Outcomes: Lessons from Public Secondary schools in Mandera County, Kenya. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(1), 133-147.