Leadership Behaviours and Organisational Commitment Mediated by Job Satisfaction of Academic Staff at Kyambogo University

  • Joshua Kimata Kato Kyambogo University
  • Wilson Mugizi Kyambogo University
  • George Wilson Kasule Kyambogo University
  • Peter Kyozira Kyambogo University
Keywords: Affective, Behaviours, Commitment, Continuance, Leadership, Satisfaction
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The study examined the relationship between leadership behaviours and the organisational commitment of academic staff at Kyambogo University, mediated by job satisfaction. Specifically, the study tested the influence of leadership behaviours on organisational commitment and job satisfaction, the influence of job satisfaction on the organisational commitment of academic staff, and the mediating effect of job satisfaction on the influence of leadership behaviours on organisational commitment. Based on the three-component model by Allen and Meyer (1990), organisational commitment was studied in terms of affective, continuance, and normative commitment. The study adopted a correlational research design on a sample of 175 full-time academic staff of Kyambogo University. The study utilised a self-administered questionnaire to collect the data. Data analysis involved carrying out partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The results indicated that leadership behaviours positively but insignificantly influenced job satisfaction, while job satisfaction positively and significantly influenced organisational commitment, and leadership behaviours positively and significantly influenced job satisfaction. The results also revealed that job satisfaction partially mediated the influence of leadership behaviours on organisational commitment. The study concluded that while leadership behaviours are not a prerequisite for increasing organisational commitment among academic staff members, they improve academic staff members' job satisfaction. Also, academic staff members' commitment is increased by their job satisfaction, and job satisfaction partially significantly affects the association between leadership behaviours and academic staff members' commitment. The study recommends that to improve organisational commitment, university leaders should not overfocus on leaders’ behaviours. Nevertheless, to improve job satisfaction, they should exhibit those leadership behaviours that enhance job satisfaction. Further, university leaders can improve academic staff satisfaction by implementing appropriate job satisfaction practices. Last but not least, in addition to good leadership practices, university leaders should implement appropriate job satisfaction practices to enhance academic staff members' commitment


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3 May, 2024
How to Cite
Kato, J., Mugizi, W., Kasule, G., & Kyozira, P. (2024). Leadership Behaviours and Organisational Commitment Mediated by Job Satisfaction of Academic Staff at Kyambogo University. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(2), 194-210. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.7.2.1899

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