The Effect of School Internal Environments on Students' Effective Learning at Maswa District

  • Hezron Mpinge St Augustine University of Tanzania
  • Daniel Onyango, PhD St Augustine University of Tanzania
Keywords: School Internal Environment, Effective Learning, And Secondary School
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The study assessed the effect of school's internal environment on students' effective learning in Maswa District. The study employed a mixed research approach to avoid the bias of using a single approach. Humanistic learning theory was used in this study as its emphases the learners to relate to the learning environment. Piloting was conducted to ensure validity and reliability of the research instruments. Respondents study were one District Secondary Education Officer (DSEO), four Head of School (HOS), thirty-three teachers, and fifty-six students. An interview guide was used to gather information from DSEO and HOS while a questionnaire was used to collect data from students and teachers. The collected qualitative data were analysed by using themes while quantitative data were analysed by the helper of SPSS computer program version 21. The findings indicated that most of the respondents agreed that the school's internal environment affects students’ effective learning also internal environment had a highly significant role in influencing students’ effective learning. The study government should formulate and adopt a good education policy that will involve every stakeholder in monitoring the school's internal environment


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11 May, 2023
How to Cite
Mpinge, H., & Onyango, D. (2023). The Effect of School Internal Environments on Students’ Effective Learning at Maswa District. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(2), 1-8.