Strategies to Enhance Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Secondary Schools in Butiama District, Mara, Tanzania

  • Leonard Kyangwe St. Augustine University of Tanzania
  • Daniel Oduor Onyango, PhD St. Augustine University of Tanzania
  • Justine Matiko Alloph Agency for the Development of Educational Management
Keywords: Teachers, Job Satisfaction, Teachers’ Job Dissatisfaction
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Education prepares skilful citizens that bring political, social, and economic development to the country. These are accomplished when the components of the educational systems are in good condition and the most important component is teachers’ job satisfaction. Thus, the study investigated the strategies used to enhance teachers’ job satisfaction in secondary schools in Butiama District, Mara Region in, Tanzania. A descriptive survey design was adopted under a mixed research approach. A total of 94 respondents who participated in the study were obtained by simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaires and interviews were adopted as the methods of data collection. Quantitative data was analysed through descriptive statistics with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social sciences (SPSS) version 20, while thematic analysis was employed in the analysis of qualitative data. The study discovered that a supportive working environment, motivation, high teacher pay, equal distribution of duties, teacher development programs, healthy interpersonal relationship and effective leadership are the strategies employed to enhance teachers’ job satisfaction. That is to say, effective working conditions, good pay and high teacher salary were found to have value for enhancing teacher job satisfaction. The study recommended that the government should invest much in improving working conditions for teachers, remuneration and teacher training programs


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10 February, 2023
How to Cite
Kyangwe, L., Onyango, D., & Alloph, J. (2023). Strategies to Enhance Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Secondary Schools in Butiama District, Mara, Tanzania. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(1), 120-132.