Administrative Challenges Preventing Effective Curriculum Implementation in Public Secondary Schools in Nyamagana District - Mwanza City, Tanzania

  • Paul Thomas St Augustine University of Tanzania
  • Daniel Oduor Onyango St. Augustine University of Tanzania


Administrative challenges can disrupt effective implementation of curriculum in secondary schools. Literature review shows that many administrative challenges hinder the implementation of curriculum in secondary schools. In order to implement the curriculum effectively, school administrators need to provide support to teachers since they are crucial to ensuring that curriculum is delivered consistently, effectively, and efficaciously to enhance learners’ academic achievement and growth. This study sought to examine the effect of administrative challenges on curriculum implementation in public secondary schools in Nyamagana District – Mwanza City, Tanzania. The study adopted a convergent parallel design under a mixed method research approach and a sample size of 172 respondents. Data were collected using questionnaires and interview guide. Validity and reliability of the instruments were tested and were reliable to be given to the respondents for data collection. The findings of this study revealed that the school administrators face many challenges which make the curriculum not to be implemented effectively. The challenges which were mentioned include: lack of fiscal infrastructure, lack of guidelines for the implementation of the curriculum, insufficient funds, overcrowded classrooms, heavy workloads, teachers’ lack of commitment, complexity of managing curriculum, and school heads’ inability to supervise curriculum delivery. It is recommended that government should provide more funds whenever it rolls out an education innovation so as to enable the schools to effectively implement the innovation. There is also need to conduct seminars and workshops for school administrators to enable them to effectively implement curriculum innovations in secondary schools




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3 March, 2022