Teachers’ Views on the Effectiveness of Student-Centred Approach in Teaching English Subject in Public Secondary Schools in Tanzania

  • Annamweka Joseph Malisa Jordan University College
  • Reginald Lyamuya, PhD Jordan University College
Keywords: Student-Centred, Free Education, Effectiveness, English, Secondary, School
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This study used a qualitative approach to examine teachers’ views about the effectiveness of the student-centred approach in the implementation of free education policy in teaching English subject in secondary schools. The study used a case study design to collect qualitative data from 30 participants who were English teachers, academic officers, and heads of schools. Data collection was done by using interviews, focus group discussions, and observation. Data analysis was done under thematic analysis. The findings of the study revealed that the teachers had the view that the student-centred approach depended on the nature of students, the teaching and learning environment, and the nature of the teachers. The findings also revealed that the free education policy violated the principles of the student-centred approach by enrolling unqualified students and without considering the adequacy of teaching/learning resources. It was concluded that an effective student-centred approach depends on some factors such as the ability of the students, the learning environment, the number of students in the class, the ability of the teacher, and the economic background of the families of the students. It was recommended that the government should prepare the pupils from the primary level for secondary education.


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2 September, 2022
How to Cite
Malisa, A., & Lyamuya, R. (2022). Teachers’ Views on the Effectiveness of Student-Centred Approach in Teaching English Subject in Public Secondary Schools in Tanzania. East African Journal of Education Studies, 5(2), 410-422. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.5.2.822