Assessing the Access to Assistive Devices by Special Education Need Students in Morogoro Municipality

  • Restitua Eliuteri Jordan University College
  • Vicent Lema, PhD Jordan University College
Keywords: Assistive Devices, Special Needs, Children with Disabilities, Teachers, Technology
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The main aim of this study was to find out the access to assistive devices by special education need students in Morogoro municipality. Simple random sampling was used to select respondents in the research and the questionnaires were used and administered to selected respondents, while purposive sampling was used to select schools. The results of the research support the conceptual analysis of Assessing the access to assistive devices by special education needs students in Morogoro municipality, education quality through expansion of student access to schooling, delivering education to low-income families, financing of school inputs and building school infrastructures and higher academic achievement. The introduction explained the following background of the study, statement of the problem, main objective, specific objectives, research questions, the scope of the study, the significance of the study, definition of key variables disability special needs, special education, assistive devices access availability utilisation, factors determining the utilisation


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How to Cite
Eliuteri, R., & Lema, V. (2022). Assessing the Access to Assistive Devices by Special Education Need Students in Morogoro Municipality. East African Journal of Education Studies, 5(3), 288-300.