Challenges Facing Implementation of Fee-free Education in Public Secondary Schools. The Case of Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

  • William Magesa Jordan University College
  • Wilson L. Mtebe, PhD Jordan University College
Keywords: Fee-free Education, Public Secondary School
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The purpose of this study was to examine challenges facing the implementation of fee-free education in public secondary schools, the case of Morogoro Municipality. The sample size of this study was 73 respondents that include 65 ordinary teachers, 4 heads of schools, 1DEO and 3 WEO. Convenience sampling techniques and purposive random sampling techniques were used in the selection of ordinary teachers and heads of schools, DEO, and WEO, respectively. Data were collected by questionnaires and interview methods. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, while qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis. The findings revealed that the implementations of fee-free education policy encounter several challenges including the inadequacy of teaching and learning resources, shortage of classrooms, and shortage of latrines are addressed properly. The challenges may be overcome if all stakeholders are involved and take part in education matters by working hand in hand with the government, as the government cannot do it all by itself.


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20 September, 2022
How to Cite
Magesa, W., & Mtebe, W. (2022). Challenges Facing Implementation of Fee-free Education in Public Secondary Schools. The Case of Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. East African Journal of Education Studies, 5(3), 10-16.