The Influence of Working Conditions on Teachers` Job Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Bukombe District, Geita Region, Tanzania

  • Pauline Myeya St. Augustine University of Tanzania
  • Clara Rupia, PhD St. Augustine University of Tanzania
Keywords: Working Condition, Job Performance, Remuneration, School Physical Facilities, Workload
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The study examined the influence of working conditions on teachers' job performance in public secondary schools in Bukombe District, Geita Region- Tanzania. The objectives of the study were: to examine the extent to which remuneration contributes to teachers' job performance in public secondary schools, to explore the role of school physical facilities on teachers' job performance and to find out the effect of workload on teachers' job performance in Bukombe District. Motivational/Hygiene and Maslow's Hierarchy of needs theories were adopted in this study. The study employed a mixed research approach based convergent parallel research design. The researcher used simple random and purposive sampling techniques to select a sample of 88 respondents. The reliability of the instrument was computed through the split-half method, while content validity and face validity were done in quantitative data and the trustworthiness of qualitative instruments was done through methods of triangulation. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse quantitative data with the aid of SPSS version 20. Qualitative analysis of data was done through thematic analysis. The study established that working conditions which include remuneration, school physical facilities, and workload, have a significant contribution to teachers' job performance. The study concluded that working conditions such as remuneration, school facilities, and workload affects teachers' ability to perform their duties effectively. The researchers recommended that the government should ensure that teachers working conditions are improved in return, this will improve their morale


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21 June, 2022
How to Cite
Myeya, P., & Rupia, C. (2022). The Influence of Working Conditions on Teachers` Job Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Bukombe District, Geita Region, Tanzania. East African Journal of Education Studies, 5(2), 217-226.