Influence of Tusome Early Grade Reading Intervention on the Reading Abilities of Learners in Public Primary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya

  • Vicky Cherobon The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Esther Chepsiror, PhD The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Keywords: Tusome, Early Grade Reading, Intervention, Abilities
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Early Grade Reading Interventions have been introduced in several countries both developed and developing in a bid to respond to low educational outcomes. Interventions seek to improve certain skills that learners have not sufficiently acquired. Therefore, the provision of learners with an early start in reading is highly associated with developed reading skills in the long term. The study sought to find out the influence Tusome, an Early grade reading intervention, had on the reading abilities of learners in public primary schools in Nandi County, Kenya. The study’s research question was what was the influence of Tusome Early grade reading intervention on learners reading abilities in public primary schools in Nandi County, Kenya. The study was grounded on Marie Clays’ literacy processing theory of reading. The study adopted a causal-comparative research design with data being collected from a sample size of 200 class six and seven learners in public primary schools in Nandi County. Sampling was done using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. A pupil’s reading test and an observation schedule were used as the instruments of data collection. A comparison was made between class six, who underwent Tusome and Class Seven who did not undergo Tusome. The study found out that class six who underwent Tusome performed better than class seven who did not undergo the intervention.


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10 May, 2022
How to Cite
Cherobon, V., & Chepsiror, E. (2022). Influence of Tusome Early Grade Reading Intervention on the Reading Abilities of Learners in Public Primary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya. East African Journal of Education Studies, 5(2), 69-76.