Ethical Awareness of University Students in Online English Language and Linguistics Classes During COVID-19 Era in Kenya

  • Gerry Ayieko, PhD Kenyatta University
Keywords: E-learning, Plagiarism, Vandalism, Intellectual Property, Copyright, Privacy
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The advent of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) has disrupted the teaching, learning, and research process in Kenya in an unprecedented manner. Many of these learning institutions resorted to online teaching-learning processes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A number of the education institutions installed or reactivated their already existing learning management system (LMS) to continue with remote learning. Data was collected using questionnaire and a regression test was run that shows low level of ethical awareness by e-learning students. The study used pluralism as a theoretical framework and this showed that there is need to raise the students’ ethical awareness and change the model from looking for students who ‘cheat’ to empower them as moral agents to make the correct ethical choices


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21 April, 2022
How to Cite
Ayieko, G. (2022). Ethical Awareness of University Students in Online English Language and Linguistics Classes During COVID-19 Era in Kenya. East African Journal of Education Studies, 5(1), 230-245.