Approaches to Learning and Trainees’ Academic Achievement in Polytechnic Colleges of West Hararge Zone, Oromia Regional State

  • Mohammed Gobeze Haramaya University
  • Tamirie Andualem, PhD Addis Ababa University
  • Gemechu Abera, PhD Haramaya University
Keywords: Approaches to Learning, Academic Achievement, Gender, Polytechnic College, Haramaya University
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The main purpose of this study was examining the relationship between approaches to learning and academic achievement, the extent to which approaches to learning predict trainees’ academic achievement, and determining gender differences between male and female trainees in approaches to learning and academic achievement in Polytechnic Colleges. Mixed research approach particularly explanatory sequential design was used. Stratified random sampling and purposive sampling were used to select study settings and participants. Data were collected from five Polytechnic Colleges through questionnaire. Population of this study is 372 (183 male and 189 female) trainees. With response rate of 85%, the main analysis was done based on 315 trainees’ (155 male and 160 female) questionnaire responses. Pearson Correlation Coefficient, regression analysis, and independent sample t-test were employed to analyse the collected data. Thus, Pearson correlation coefficient revealed statistically significant positive association of trainees’ academic achievement with approaches to learning (r = .59, r2 = 34.81%, p < .001). Regression analysis results showed that approaches to learning is significant predictors of trainees’ academic achievement in polytechnic colleges. The independent sample t-test analysis results indicated that there is no gender difference between male and female trainees in approaches to learning and academic achievement. On the basis of these findings conclusions and recommendations were made


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4 April, 2022
How to Cite
Gobeze, M., Andualem, T., & Abera, G. (2022). Approaches to Learning and Trainees’ Academic Achievement in Polytechnic Colleges of West Hararge Zone, Oromia Regional State. East African Journal of Education Studies, 5(1), 155-169.