Burundian Teachers’ Conceptualisations of Philosophy-Based Language Teaching Approach in Developing EFL Students’ Speaking Skill

  • Juvénal Ntakarutimana Yazd University
  • Ali Mohammad Fazilatfar, PhD Yazd University
Keywords: Burundian Teachers, English Language Teaching, English as a Foreign Language, Philosophical Questions, Speaking Skill, Philosophy-Based Language Teaching
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This study investigated the EFL teachers’ conceptualisations of the use of PBLT in EFL instruction. Thirteen EFL teachers selected from two higher education institutions in Burundi participated in the inquiry. The inquiry set out to assess participants’ beliefs and attitudes towards three constructs, namely the use of philosophical questions in the EFL classroom, the use of the EFL classroom as a community of inquiry, and the impact of PBLT in developing the EFL students’ speaking skill. A background information questionnaire, a Likert scale questionnaire, and an online structured interview were used to collect data from participants. The findings revealed participants’ positive views and attitudes towards the role of PBLT in EFL instruction. The use of philosophical questions in the EFL classroom as well as the use of the EFL classroom as a community of inquiry in enhancing EFL students’ productive and receptive skills was found to be highly favoured among participants. Furthermore, it was found that participants believe in the high potential of PBLT in developing the five components of speaking, namely fluency, accuracy, range, coherence, and content. Participants, however, showed a relatively diminished trust in PBLT when it comes to its role in enhancing the accuracy component, and this diminished trust may be attributed to the fact that accuracy relates much more to the linguistic form while PBLT puts greater focus on meaning.


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13 January, 2022
How to Cite
Ntakarutimana, J., & Fazilatfar, A. (2022). Burundian Teachers’ Conceptualisations of Philosophy-Based Language Teaching Approach in Developing EFL Students’ Speaking Skill. East African Journal of Education Studies, 5(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.5.1.526