Parenting Styles and Pupils’ Morals in Upper Primary Schools of Kabula County, Lyantonde District

  • Frederick Musiimenta Bishop Stuart University
  • Sudi Balimutajjo, PhD Bishop Stuart University
  • Judith Arinaitwe Bishop Stuart University
Keywords: Parenting Styles, Upper Primary, Pupils’ Morals
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The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between parenting style and pupils’ morals in upper primary schools of Kabula County, Lyantonde District. Specifically, to examine the effects of single parenting style on pupils’ morals in upper primary schools; to assess the influence of co-operating style on pupils’ morals in upper primary schools and to establish the effect of co-opted parenting style on pupils’ morals in upper primary schools of Kabula County, Lyantonde District. A cross-sectional design was employed using both quantitative and qualitative approaches to allow triangulation. Both simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were applied to select respondents. Data was analysed with descriptive, inferential statistical techniques and thematic analysis. Descriptive statistics involved the use of frequencies and mean while inferential statistics included Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. It was revealed and concluded that there is a significant positive correlation coefficient between single parenting style and the level of pupils' moral development in upper primary schools. It was concluded that there is a significant positive correlation between co-parenting style and pupils' moral development in upper primary school education. It was further indicated a statistically significant positive correlation between co-opted parenting style and the level of pupils' morals in upper primary schools. It was recommended to organize parenting workshops in Lyantonde district to educate single parents, co-parents, and co-opted parents about effective parenting styles which would provide information on positive parenting practices that contribute to the moral development of children. It was also recommended to establish parenting support groups where parents can share experiences, challenges, and successes related to their parenting styles. It was recommended that the promotion of increased parental involvement in schools fosters collaboration between parents and educators


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11 June, 2024
How to Cite
Musiimenta, F., Balimutajjo, S., & Arinaitwe, J. (2024). Parenting Styles and Pupils’ Morals in Upper Primary Schools of Kabula County, Lyantonde District. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(2), 374-393.