Perceived Changing Academic Roles of Deans in Higher Education: A case of Makerere University

  • Bernadette Lutaaya Makerere University
  • Bisaso Ronald Makerere University
  • Florence Nakamanya Makerere University
Sambaza Makala:


Existing literature shows that deans in higher education institutions are key in nurturing, facilitating growth, and setting high academic standards for faculty, staff, and students among other stakeholders to be able to achieve the academic goals and objectives in this changing and challenging higher education environment. They are also expected to create a positive work environment within schools, colleges, or departments. However, not much has been written on how these deans perceive their changing academic roles and how they reframe the same in the context of Makerere University. This qualitative and case study therefore set out to explore the perceived changing academic roles of deans in Makerere University. Findings reveal that deans perceive their changing academic roles as hectic, multiple, financially constraining, and politically constrained. The study concludes that the perceptions of deans are attributed to the growth and strategic direction of the university, the needs of the market, and the transformation of Makerere University to a collegiate system of governance and increased technology among others. The study recommends that deans can gradually draw on the associated benefits of the political frame including networking and partnerships to be able to manage financially and overcome financial constraints. Deans should leverage committees to establish grants and partnerships. The university and its governing body should withdraw or relieve the teaching loads from the deans to enable them to concentrate on curbing financial constraints


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Tarehe ya Uchapishaji
9 March, 2024
Jinsi ya Kunukuu
Lutaaya, B., Ronald, B., & Nakamanya, F. (2024). Perceived Changing Academic Roles of Deans in Higher Education: A case of Makerere University. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(1), 417-436.