The Paradox of Leadership: Toxic Education Leadership in the Learning Institutions

  • Jada Pasquale Yengkopiong, PhD Catholic Education Western Australia
Keywords: Learning Institutions, Toxic Education Leaders, Toxic Cultures, Toxic Learning Environments
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Leadership practice in learning institutions is a paradox and it is now of interest to scholars, the secular, and religious authorities. Unfortunately, the objectives of leadership, as a system, in the learning institutions, are the least understood by the leaders themselves. In these learning institutions, exemplary leaders are ideal, but with the magnitude of corrupt leaders in society, it is difficult to nurture exemplary leadership. Presently, the conditions that undermine teachers' effectiveness in the learning institutions must be identified and promptly rectified. These conditions include actions and behaviours of toxic education leaders. These leaders discourage teachers from performing their duties. This study aimed to document the actions and behaviours of toxic education leaders in learning institutions. The study was carried out using ethnographic, social constructivism, and pragmatic approaches between 2013 and 2023 in five learning institutions in Western Australia. It is reported that toxic cultures in learning institutions develop because of actions and behaviours of toxic education leaders. These toxic leaders are content with the status quo because their leadership capabilities are stuck in their juvenile growth stage, making them incapable of transcending the leadership scale. The leaders allow the institutions to breed incompetence and incrimination, almost always with contempt, frustrating the efforts of teachers, leading to teacher shortages. These actions and behaviours of toxic leaders lead to mistrust and discontent in learning institutions. It is concluded that by regularly moderating the actions and behaviours of toxic education leaders, there may be a reduction in incidents of out-of-value behaviours and eliminating toxic and poisonous conducts that lead to unethical actions in learning institutions


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24 January, 2024
How to Cite
Yengkopiong, J. (2024). The Paradox of Leadership: Toxic Education Leadership in the Learning Institutions. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(1), 90-106.