Preparedness of Teachers for Implementing Competency-Based Curriculum System of Education in Public Secondary Schools in Nyamira South Sub- County

  • Sarah Moraa Okeyo Mount Kenya University
  • Zacharia Ondieki Mokua, PhD Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Competence Based Curriculum, Preparedness, Implementation, Model
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Competency-based curriculum (CBC) was introduced in primary schools in Kenya in 2016. It was rolled out in secondary schools in January 2023. Its success depended on early preparations in terms of training of teachers, among other requirements. A convergent mixed methods research design was employed, while Concern-Based Adoption Model guided the study. Stratified, purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to obtain a sample of 483 respondents. Data from the respondents was obtained through a questionnaire, interview schedule and document analysis and observation schedule. These instruments were subjected to piloting to ascertain their validity and reliability. Quantitative data was analysed through descriptive techniques. NVivo software was used to analyse qualitative data. Findings from both quantitative and qualitative analysis were triangulated to facilitate reliable findings. The study established that all public secondary schools in Nyamira South Sub-County were ill-prepared to implement CBC. Most of their teachers had not been trained in the new curriculum. The study concluded that teachers need to be well-trained on CBC before implementing it in public secondary schools in the Nyamira South Sub-County. That the training should not be hurriedly done as a public relations exercise


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23 August, 2023
How to Cite
Okeyo, S., & Mokua, Z. (2023). Preparedness of Teachers for Implementing Competency-Based Curriculum System of Education in Public Secondary Schools in Nyamira South Sub- County. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(2), 406-418.