Influence of Teacher’s Instructional Practices on Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Mwatate Sub-County

  • Brenda Mwali Mutinda Mount Kenya University
  • Charles Ocharo Momanyi, PhD Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Academic Performance, Classroom Instruction Practices, Classroom Management, Efficacy, Motivation and Public Schools
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There has been a concerted effort by the government to improve students’ academic performance in secondary schools. Thus, the purpose of the study was to examine the influence of teacher efficacy on secondary school students’ performance in the Mwatate Sub-County. The information provided by this research will benefit policymakers, community members and academicians. It adopted a descriptive survey research design, with a target population of 350 persons, comprised of 21 Headteachers and 329 teachers. The sample size of 176 persons was determined using the Krejcie & Morgan table (1970). The researcher collected data using questionnaires and interview guides. The instruments were validated by the supervisors. This was presented by the use of quotations. The study established that there is a statistically significant association between teacher efficacy influence secondary school students’ performance. It was therefore recommended that head teachers, administration, policymakers, and other stakeholders should consider incorporating teachers’ motivation in various practices such as teacher instruction, classroom management, motivation, and interpersonal relationships, as this will enhance secondary school students’ performance


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21 August, 2023
How to Cite
Mutinda, B., & Momanyi, C. (2023). Influence of Teacher’s Instructional Practices on Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Mwatate Sub-County. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(2), 378-385.