Influence of Instructional Resources on Pupil Academic Achievement in Public Secondary Schools: A Case of Manga Sub-County Nyamira County, Kenya

  • Dennis Onyansi Ndemo Mount Kenya University
  • Jacob Kwaba, PhD Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Education, Instructional Resources, Physical Facilities, Schools, Teachers, School Resources
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The consistent decline in pupils’ academic achievement in public Secondary schools has raised more questions to be answered by education stakeholders. Thus, the purpose of the study was to assess the influence of school resources on pupil academic achievement in Secondary schools: a case of Manga Sub-County Nyamira County, Kenya. It adopted a descriptive survey research design with a target population of 469 comprised of 434 teachers and 33 head teachers. The sample size was 214 comprised of the teachers and head teachers. The researcher collected data using questionnaires. The study also established that instructional resources, physical facilities, and human resources have an influence on a pupil’s academic achievement in Secondary schools. The study recommended that; for effective learning and improved academic performance, the government should ensure that it has provided adequate instruction materials in all schools; the government and school management should ensure that there are enough physical facilities in schools including laboratories, classrooms, dormitories, library, playing fields and dining halls for effective learning and improved academic performance of the learners and that; the school management should ensure that there is effective and efficient management of human resources for the improved academic performance of the learner


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27 July, 2023
How to Cite
Ndemo, D., & Kwaba, J. (2023). Influence of Instructional Resources on Pupil Academic Achievement in Public Secondary Schools: A Case of Manga Sub-County Nyamira County, Kenya. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(2), 315-322.