Dyscalculia in Kenyan Schools: Implications for Transition to Higher Education and Employment: Literature Review

  • Annerose Wanjiku Wang’ang’a, PhD St Paul’s University
Keywords: Dyscalculia, Transition, Higher Education, Employment, Mathematics
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This article delves into the impact of dyscalculia on the transition to higher education and employment opportunities, examining both the global context and the specific case of Kenya. It highlights the crucial role of mathematics in everyday life and underscores the significant prevalence of dyscalculia, affecting a considerable portion of the population worldwide, with estimates ranging from 3% to 6%. In the Kenyan context, studies have indicated a prevalence rate of 6.4% among primary and secondary school students. The article sheds light on the challenges many students encounter in pursuing their desired career paths due to the prerequisite of mathematics as a determining factor for qualification in certain fields. Recognising the importance of early detection, the article emphasises the criticality of diagnosing dyscalculia at an early stage, starting as early as preschool, in order to implement timely interventions that can mitigate its impact. Furthermore, the article stresses the necessity of providing adequate training to teachers, enabling them to effectively support learners with specific learning difficulties such as dyscalculia. It highlights the importance of differentiated teaching methods that cater to the unique needs of dyscalculic learners. By employing multisensory approaches and leveraging assistive technology, educators can employ strategies that assist learners in overcoming the challenges associated with dyscalculia. In conclusion, this article underscores the significance of dyscalculia on the journey toward higher education and employment, both globally and specifically in Kenya. By raising awareness about the prevalence of dyscalculia and advocating for early diagnosis and intervention, as well as providing teachers with the necessary training and resources, we can enhance the opportunities for learners with dyscalculia to succeed in their academic pursuits and future careers.


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16 June, 2023
How to Cite
Wang’ang’a, A. (2023). Dyscalculia in Kenyan Schools: Implications for Transition to Higher Education and Employment: Literature Review. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(2), 121-138. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.2.1254