Effect of Students’ Inclusivity on Efficacy of 100% Transition in Public Secondary Schools in Kisii County, Kenya

  • Jared Momanyi Mauti Kisii University
  • Titus Ogalo Pacho, PhD Kisii University
  • Benard Omenge Nyatuka, PhD Kisii University
Keywords: Inclusivity, Efficacy, 100% Transition, Secondary Schools
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This study investigated the effect of students’ inclusivity on the efficacy of 100 per cent transition in public secondary schools in Kisii County, Kenya. The study adopted both descriptive survey and mixed research designs. The study targeted a total of 33,593 students, 4,986 teachers, and 186 principals out of which a sample of 380 students, 357 teachers, and 27 principals was selected. Regression analysis showed that the variations of students’ inclusivity could result in improved efficacy of learner’s transition in secondary schools in the County by 32.4%, and it was statistically significant, p<.05. Additionally, ANOVA (F (1,206) = 62.842, P=.000<.05) showed a statistically significant effect of inclusivity on the efficacy of 100% transition in the County. The interviews conducted showed that public secondary schools did not have requisite physical facilities like ramps to support learning to physically challenged students, and also, most physical facilities were poorly maintained. Braille machines for visually impaired students also lacked in most secondary schools. An inclusive process of selecting students’ representatives through a democratic process was in most schools; however, Students’ Councils excessive empowerment need to be checked to curb instances of bullying their colleagues


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24 February, 2023
How to Cite
Mauti, J., Pacho, T., & Nyatuka, B. (2023). Effect of Students’ Inclusivity on Efficacy of 100% Transition in Public Secondary Schools in Kisii County, Kenya. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(1), 195-209. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.1.1108