Factor Influencing Adaptation Choices Employed by Farmers Against Climate Change to Improve Rice Yield in Bugarama Wetland in Rwanda

  • Esther Nyirandorimana Kenyatta University
  • Ezekiel Ndunda, PhD Kenyatta University
  • John Muriuki, PhD Kenyatta University
Keywords: Climate Change, Perception, Adaptation, Heckman Two-Step Model, Bugarama Wetland
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The changing climate poses a great challenge to many wetlands productivity worldwide. Rice production in wetlands is a major source of livelihood in developing countries such as Rwanda. This study aimed at determining the factors influencing adaptation methods when farmers perceive the changing climate at Bugarama Wetland Rice Scheme in Rwanda. A descriptive research design was used by this study, whereby quantitative and qualitative data was collected. The analysis was based on data collected from 300 selected farmers using systematic random sampling method. We employed descriptive statistics to assess how farmers perceive the effects of climate change and descriptively measured the new adaptation methods used by farmers in Bugarama to increase their yields. The study adopted Heckman two-step model to determine factors that influence adaptation choices, this analysis procedurally required farmers’ knowledge of perception that makes them respond to the effects of changes in climatic conditions by the use of new adaptation methods. The results deduced that level of education (p =0.019), extension access (p=0.001), market distance (p=0.002) and rice income (p < 0.001) had a probability of influencing farmers perceptions about climate change thus need to adapt. Based on the outcome model, results showed that extension access (p < 0.001), household size (p= 0.098), market distance (p= 0.047), rice income (p =0.032), farmers-to-farmers contact (p < 0.001) and effects of climate change on rice (p=0.038) had a greater probability of influencing farmers choice of adaptation method used to improve rice yields. To conclude, the study found that access to informational facilities and rice income, influenced farmers’ perceptions while extension access, rice income, market distance, farmers-to-farmers contact and effects of climate change on rice yield strongly had a probability of determining farmers’ choice of adaptation. This study recommends that the Rwandan government and local administrators need to develop a strategy that would allow farmers to access information facilities about new technology so as to adapt to the effects of climate change thus improve their rice yields.


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14 April, 2020
How to Cite
Nyirandorimana, E., Ndunda, E., & Muriuki, J. (2020). Factor Influencing Adaptation Choices Employed by Farmers Against Climate Change to Improve Rice Yield in Bugarama Wetland in Rwanda. East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2(1), 12-22. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajab.2.1.137