Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability by Amboseli Ecosystem Households in Kajiado County, Kenya

  • Faith Resiato Oloitipitip Maasai Mara University
  • Ezekiel Ndunda Kenyatta University
  • Cecilia M. Gichuki Kenyatta University
Keywords: Adaptation Strategies, Climate Variability, Pastoralism, Household Vulnerability
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The Amboseli ecosystem has been made fragile by climate related challenges causing household vulnerability. As a result, the pastoral community has had to put in place mechanisms to cope and reduce vulnerability. The aim of this study was to determine the adaptation strategies at the household level and how effective they were at minimizing risks at the household level. The study used a mixed method, which focused on descriptive and correlational research designs. It targeted a population of 47, 058 residents from which a sample of 374 households was selected. Cluster and convenient sampling were used for quantitative and qualitative data respectively. A questionnaire with open and closed ended questions and with Likert scale format were used to collect quantitative data while interview schedules were used for qualitative data. Qualitative data was collected from interview schedules with key informants. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse qualitative data while quantitative data were analysed using inferential statistics Results showed that climate variability is indeed causing livelihood vulnerability and thus the need for intervention inform of adaptation strategies by the individual households, community and at the national and county levels. This study recommends livestock diversification, crop farming small scale businesses and employment of household members so as to reduce vulnerability and live decent lives. In addition, there is need to empower women through education, offering of small loans and grants for businesses as well as involvement in decision making on matters pasture and water management


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29 June, 2024
How to Cite
Oloitipitip, F., Ndunda, E., & Gichuki, C. (2024). Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability by Amboseli Ecosystem Households in Kajiado County, Kenya. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, 7(1), 172-182.