Spatio-temporal Trends and Patterns of Synthetic Fertility Index Across African Countries: A Comprehensive Analysis from 1950 to 2023

  • Mouhamadou Djima Baranon Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology, and Innovation
  • Ambroise Tchando Nahini Université de Parakou
  • Chérif Ayena Université de Parakou
  • Achille Mahuna Soglo Université de Parakou
  • Tina Confort Kollie Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology, and Innovation
Keywords: Fertility dynamics, Synthetic Fertility Index (SFI), African Countries, Spatio-Temporal Analysis, Demographic Transitions
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This paper examines the spatiotemporal trends and patterns of the Synthetic Fertility Index (SFI) in African countries from 1950 to 2023. The study used data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) program and to analyse the evolution of fertility rates in Africa. The findings reveal a significant decline in fertility rates over the past decades, with many countries experiencing a shift from high SFI exceeding 6 children per woman in the mid-20th century to levels below 3 children per woman by 2023. However, regional disparities persist, with North African countries and South Africa consistently demonstrating lower SFIs compared to their counterparts in West Africa, Central Africa, and East Africa. The study emphasizes the importance of addressing persistent regional disparities in fertility rates through targeted policies and interventions aimed at improving access to education and healthcare, promoting gender equality, and addressing cultural norms and practices that perpetuate high fertility rates. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the demographic transition taking place in Africa and highlights the need for continued research and policy action to promote socio-economic development in the continent


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26 May, 2024
How to Cite
Baranon, M., Nahini, A., Ayena, C., Soglo, A., & Kollie, T. (2024). Spatio-temporal Trends and Patterns of Synthetic Fertility Index Across African Countries: A Comprehensive Analysis from 1950 to 2023. East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 7(1), 89-105.