Challenges Encountered by Secondary School Teachers in Teaching English Language: The Case of Micheweni District

  • Rashid Othman Ali Muslim University of Morogoro
  • Said Nassoro Jaff, PhD Muslim University of Morogoro
Keywords: Challenges, Teaching, Learning
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This study investigated challenges encountered by secondary school teachers in teaching English in public secondary schools of Micheweni District. The study was guided by three specific objectives; to explore challenges related to English language instructional materials, to investigate pedagogical challenges in teaching English, and to examine challenges related to the nature of the students in learning English. A qualitative research approach under a multiple case study design was employed with 36 participants. Focus Group Discussion and interviews were used in data collection. Data were analyzed through content and thematic analysis and presented through quotations and narrations. The findings revealed that the major challenges related to English language instructional materials were shortcomings of English language curriculum content, poor access to ICT facilities which include absence/scarcity of ICT tools, and lack of skills to access ICT tools as well as absence/scarcity of instructional materials. Pedagogical challenges in teaching English were ineffective teaching/learning environment, students’ low level of English Language Proficiency, high teaching load among English language teachers and students’ negative attitude towards learning English. Also, the study found that the nature of students affects teaching/learning English language therefore, teachers should be very careful to find the best teaching strategies regarding individual learning styles. The study concluded that if these challenges were dealt with, English language teachers would teach effectively and students would perform better in their examinations


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24 July, 2024
How to Cite
Ali, R., & Jaff, S. (2024). Challenges Encountered by Secondary School Teachers in Teaching English Language: The Case of Micheweni District. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(3), 119-131.