Influence of Boards of Management Practices on Teachers Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Case of Manga Sub-County Nyamira County, Kenya

  • Evans Mogere Mount Kenya University
  • Charles Momanyi, PhD Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Boards of Management, Student Achievement, Instructional Resources, Quality of Teaching Staff, School Management
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The purpose of the Basic Education Act No. 14 of 2013 is to increase professionalism in the administration of public elementary schools by establishing Boards of Management. The purpose of this research is to analyse the effect that Boards of Management policies have on student achievement in public primary schools in the Manga sub-county of Kisii County, Kenya. The study set out to answer several questions about the impact of various factors on students' academic success, including the availability of instructional resources, the quality of the school's physical environment, the quality of the teaching staff, and the effectiveness of the school's management's efforts to motivate its employees. The research was based on the open systems theory and the Path Goal Leadership Theory. The study used a variety of research strategies. Concurrent triangulation, a research strategy that blends quantitative and qualitative data, was used for this investigation. Principals, BOM members, and the Sub County Director of Education made up the study population. Sampling was performed using a stratified random sampling technique. Strata were designated as learning environments. Questionnaires and interview scripts were used to compile the data. The researcher piloted the surveys with two elementary schools in Manga Sub County that have certain demographic and social characteristics with the study area. Pearson's Product Coefficient was used to verify reliability. Co-efficient. If the dependability co-efficient was lower than 0.7, then the instruments would need to be improved. The instruments' validity and reliability were established by having them crafted under the watchful eyes of the supervisors and by consulting with subject-matter experts. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to analyse the data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the quantitative approaches. Descriptive statistics included measurements of central tendency and dispersion, such as means and standard deviations. Chi-square tests and spearman rank order correlations were used for inferential statistics. Analysing qualitative data required making sense of the responses and contrasting them with prior research. Frequency tables, percentages, and other numerical were used. Ethical considerations were taken into account during the investigation. The vast majority of respondents agreed that their schools' ability to provide necessary teaching and learning resources was facilitated by adhering to a schedule of events. The majority of respondents said that BOM members are capable of accurately forecasting and budgeting for physical infrastructure on their own. All respondents said that those working in BOM were trustworthy because of their moral rectitude and upright character. The research concluded that the Ministry of Education should institute safeguards to guarantee that only qualified individuals serve on public elementary school governing boards. It is imperative that steps be taken to guarantee the exchequer allocates sufficient funds for the purchase of physical infrastructure for public elementary schools


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10 July, 2024
How to Cite
Mogere, E., & Momanyi, C. (2024). Influence of Boards of Management Practices on Teachers Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Case of Manga Sub-County Nyamira County, Kenya. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(3), 52-73.