School-Parent Engagement on Stimulation Activities in Pre-Primary Schools in Kira Municipality in Wakiso District, Uganda

  • Safina Mutumba Kyambogo University
  • Evangelista Busingye, PhD Kyambogo University
  • John Samson Maani, PhD Kyambogo University
Keywords: School-Parent Engagement, Stimulation Activities, Pre-Primary Schools
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Stimulation activities are events that parents and other caregivers give to the children to support their cognitive, emotional, and physical needs right from birth onwards. For instance, playing and talking with them (even before children can respond verbally), and exposing them to words, numbers, and simple concepts while engaging in daily routines. Whereas School-parent engagement is where schools tend to create partnerships between themselves and the parents so that they are able to work together, most especially pertaining to their children’s education and holistic development. Schools can work with parents in making decisions, setting goals and attaining academic outcomes. This contributes to the enhancement of children’s holistic growth and development. This research study, therefore, aimed at examining school-parent engagement in Pre-primary schools in Kira Municipality, Wakiso District, Uganda which has remained a gap for long. The study used a descriptive cross-sectional survey design. Data was collected using both quantitative and qualitative instruments. These included; Focus group discussion guides, document analysis guide, observation checklist, and questionnaires. The respondents included; headteachers, Centre Management Committee (CMC) chairpersons, parents, and teachers. The findings of this study show that parents were not closely working with the school to stimulate children’s learning. Schools reported significantly lower levels of parents came in to check on their children’s books or to submit homework, or drop and pick a child from school. Parents were majorly coming in for meetings and any event that had been organised by the school or to pay fees dues. Three major recommendations regarding parent engagement in stimulation activities were given. These included; ensuring that parents understand what stimulation activities mean, the materials to use and their role in supporting their children’s learning. Then, it also suggested the best approach to ensure that stimulation activities are provided to the children both at Pre-primary school and at home for continuity of learning. The paper concludes by suggesting recommendations on the need for school-parent engagement to ensure that effective stimulation activities are provided at the Pre-primary schools. Thus, enabling children to receive integrated stimulation opportunities that are contextualised


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11 April, 2024
How to Cite
Mutumba, S., Busingye, E., & Maani, J. (2024). School-Parent Engagement on Stimulation Activities in Pre-Primary Schools in Kira Municipality in Wakiso District, Uganda. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(2), 44-54.