Influence of Student Councils’ Socio-Demographic Dynamics on Management of Secondary School Students’ Discipline in Kenyenya Sub-County, Kenya

  • Justus Omae Mekenye Mount Kenya University
  • Mary Mugwe Chui, PhD Mount Kenya University


Although student councils are known to be vital in assisting school administration in management of student discipline, their presence in leadership has not fully controlled cases of student indiscipline. This study sought to examine the influence of student councils’ socio-demographic dynamics on management of secondary school students’ discipline in Kenyenya Sub-County, Kenya. The study was based on the Social Cognitive Learning Theory (SCLT), Trait Theory of Leadership (TTL) and the Red-Hot-Stove Theory (RHST) and employed descriptive survey design. The study utilized interview guide designed for SCDE to collect primary data. There were questionnaires for principals, deputy principals, teachers and Student Council Leaders (SCL) to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. A sample size of one hundred and twenty-six (126) respondents corresponding to thirty per cent (30%) of the target population (422) was used to select 13 principals, 13 deputy principals, 86 teachers and 13 students’ council leaders. This study adopted a multi-stage sampling approach where stratified sampling was used to select schools while simple and purposive sampling was used to select respondents. The data was analysed based on the study objectives. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse quantitative data and the results were presented in form of frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations using tables, graphs, and charts. Qualitative data were analysed thematically based on the research objectives. The findings of this study indicate that the selected student councils’ socio-demographic dynamics had infinitesimal influence on management of student discipline. The study therefore recommended that the ministry of education develop policies on how learners will vet their council leaders focusing on their selected leadership dynamics




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5 March, 2024