Identification of Career Needs and Dual Career Development Among Students in Secondary Schools in Uganda

  • Yapsoyekwo Justine Uganda Christian University Mukono
  • Muweesi Charles Uganda Christian University Mukono
  • Olivia Banja Nassaka Uganda Christian University Mukono
  • Mary Ochieng Kagoire Uganda Christian University Mukono
  • Disan Kuteesa Mugenyi Kyambogo University
  • Nambale Moses Geoffrey Uganda Management Institute
  • Faith Mbabazi Musinguzi Uganda Christian University Mukono
Keywords: Identification of Career Needs, Dual Career Development, Students, Sebei Sub-Region, Uganda
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The research looked at the influence of identification of career needs on dual career development among students. The study adopted a descriptive survey design, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The target population of study was 360 and a sample size of 186 people who included students who had participated in games and sports, directors of studies, career guidance teachers, games teachers, sports officers, headteachers and deputy headteachers. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire and interview method. The findings revealed that for identification of career needs and dual career development, R2 = .297, F=77.304, Sig= .000 < .05 for academic career while for sports career R2 = .072, F=14.184, Sig= .000 < .05, thus identification of students' career needs had a higher magnitude of influence for academic than for sports career development; thus to be able to support students in identification of career needs, the teachers should be trained and empowered with the requisite information about the various careers available


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23 February, 2024
How to Cite
Justine, Y., Charles, M., Nassaka, O., Kagoire, M., Mugenyi, D., Geoffrey, N., & Musinguzi, F. (2024). Identification of Career Needs and Dual Career Development Among Students in Secondary Schools in Uganda. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(1), 304-326.

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