Development of Digital Literacy Skills among Learners in Public Primary Schools in Homabay County, Kenya

  • Celestine Achieng Kenyatta University
  • Martin Ogola Kenyatta University
  • Peter Muchanje Kenyatta University
Keywords: Digital Literacy, Devices, Competency
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Digital literacy direct learners towards innovative, creative and transformational learning in the 21st century. It is one of the core competency in the Competency Based Curriculum. The objective of this study was to assess the availability of ICT infrastructure in public primary schools to develop learners’ digital skills. Constructivist learning theory guided the study. Concurrent embedded mixed method was used. A population of 5713 was targeted for study where a sample of 571 respondents composed of 8 head teachers, 78 teachers and 485 grade six learners were selected. Stratified random, simple random and purposive sampling procedures were used to select the study sample. Data collection instruments included interviews, questionnaires, focused group discussion and observation schedule. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse quantitative and qualitative data. Some of the key findings of the study were majority of public primary schools in Kasipul lack internet connectivity and only 32.1% have computer labs. The results further indicated that teachers have basic knowledge and skills in digital literacy. However, only 23.2% of teachers have been trained in digital literacy. The study recommends that Ministry of education in collaboration with Ministry of Information and Communication Technology enhance internet connectivity in all primary schools to support implementation of digital literacy to develop learners’ digital skills


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23 February, 2024
How to Cite
Achieng, C., Ogola, M., & Muchanje, P. (2024). Development of Digital Literacy Skills among Learners in Public Primary Schools in Homabay County, Kenya. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(1), 293-303.