Enseigner Et Apprendre En Contexte D’urgence Sanitaire : Conception D’une Plateforme Intelligente Et Ethique Pour L’apprentissage Humain

  • Morad El Ganbour Université Mohammed Premier Oijda
  • Zakaria Haja Université Mohammed Premier Oijda
  • Ihab Abdelbasset Annaki Université Mohammed Premier Oijda
  • Toumi Bouchentouf Université Mohammed Premier Oijda
  • Saida Belouali Université Mohammed Premier Oijda
##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.7.1.1693


In a context of disturbing health emergency, the use of technologies, increasingly equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of education, has generated both the emergence of many issues and the renewal of various moral and ethical questions relating to the different uses of these tools, particularly in terms of equity and accessibility. Through the design of an offline digital learning platform with a smart tutor, we seek to address some of these issues and help mitigate others. Methodologically, the study is intended to be an action-research that fits more into a pragmatic paradigm. One of the main objectives of the research is to ensure equitable access to the educational resources available to learners despite the lack of an internet connection. The study also provided learners with a form of adaptive learning based on their own progress by keeping them informed through personalized notifications




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15 January, 2024