Challenges Facing Primary Schools’ Learners in Morogoro Municipality when Communicative Approach is used in Teaching English Language

  • Kasimu Bakari Hasani Muslim University of Morogoro
Keywords: Challenge, Communication, Communicative Approach, Primary Schools, Learner
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A number of researches have been done in the world basing on Communicative Approach in teaching English language as a second and a foreign language, Tanzania in Particular. However, the use of this approach in Tanzania is not free of challenges. Thus, this paper tries to enlighten the current challenges that English language learners of primary schools encounter when the approach is used in teaching and learning of English language in Morogoro Municipality. The study was guided by two research questions; first, what would be the current challenges encountered by primary school learners when CA is used? Second, what would be the learners’ views on the possible ways to overcome the existing challenges? The study was led by the theory of communicative competence by Hymes (1972). The data were collected through concurrent research design which is within pragmatic research approach. The data collection method used was questionnaire method of data collection. The findings revealed that, large class sizes, inadequate teaching and learning materials, learners’ negative attitudes towards English language, and lack of enough time to practice English language are among the challenges of using the approach at public primary schools. Nevertheless, ensuring enough teachers and classes, adding time for practicing English, exposing learners to English language from standard one are among the suggestions of overcoming the existing challenges. Furthermore, basing on the findings of the recent study, the researcher provided recommendations for action to solve the existing challenges and for further studies including to do the same study in other municipal areas


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1 February, 2023
How to Cite
Hasani, K. (2023). Challenges Facing Primary Schools’ Learners in Morogoro Municipality when Communicative Approach is used in Teaching English Language. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(1), 90-102.