The Liability of Climate Change on Constraining Women’s Rights in the Southern Highlands, Tanzania: A Case of Kilolo District

  • Laurent Joseph, PhD Institute of Finance Management
Keywords: Liability, Climate change, Constraining, Climate change impacts, Women rights
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The study investigated the liability of climate change on constraining women rights in Kilolo District. Systematic random sampling was used to obtain a sample of 240 respondents. Data were collected using Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Questionnaires for the complementation. Data analysis was done using thematic data analysis for survey data for rainfall trends, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and content analysis for data from the FGDs and documents. The study revealed that climate change was liable for constraining women rights in the district. The main constrained women rights were the right to food adequacy, right to water, right to health and well-being, right to decision making and gender-based violence. The study concludes that climate change has diverse impacts on vulnerable groups such as women and children. This study recommends communities that to adapt to and mitigate climate change impacts, there should be an inclusive approach to all gender on a local and global scale. The central governments should find the appropriate strategies to rescue women who are severely tormented and disrupted by climate change.


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8 March, 2022
How to Cite
Joseph, L. (2022). The Liability of Climate Change on Constraining Women’s Rights in the Southern Highlands, Tanzania: A Case of Kilolo District. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, 5(1), 58-74.