Factors Contributing to the Escalation of Feminine Entrepreneurs in Tanzania: A Case of Mwanza City

  • Laurent Joseph, PhD Institute of Finance Management
Keywords: Factors, Feminine, Escalation, Entrepreneurship, Contributing
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The study aimed at exploring the examined factors contributing to the escalation of feminine entrepreneurs in Tanzania specifically in Mwanza city. One hundred and eighty (180) women were selected from four wards, namely Kirumba, Mirongo, Buhongwa, and Pasiansi using the purposive random sampling technique. The range of their ages was between 20 and 60 years. A cross-sectional design was adopted. The questionnaires and focus group discussion were adopted as methods of data collection in this study. Results of the study show that there are numerous factors that escalate the increase of feminine entrepreneurs in Mwanza city which include access to capital, education, political influence, social network, peace and security, the legitimacy of entrepreneurship, the need for lifetime achievement and development, livelihood diversification and family planning. These factors play a noteworthy role in influencing women's entrepreneurship. Other factors such as skills in entrepreneurship and internal motivation and creativity, social factors, and psychological factors were also discovered as the main factors behind the influence of women to join entrepreneurship. The study concludes that women engaged as entrepreneurs need to be assisted with the fundamental skills required establishing and running a successful business venture. The study recommends that the gender roles policy is not fully implemented, that is why there are still some jobs termed as for men and others for women.


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14 April, 2022
How to Cite
Joseph, L. (2022). Factors Contributing to the Escalation of Feminine Entrepreneurs in Tanzania: A Case of Mwanza City. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 5(1), 113-131. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajbe.5.1.617