Drought Management by Formal and Informal Organizations of Kajiado County, Kenya; Special Reference to Role of Women.

  • Antony Mooke Lupembe The Technical University of Kenya
  • John Ndikaru wa Teresia, PhD The Technical University of Kenya
Keywords: Mobilization, Women Group, Masaai Culture, Poverty, Education, Leadership, Empowerment, Economic Development
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The study aimed at investigating the role of women’s organizations in the management and reduction of drought impact formally and informally in Kajiado County, Kenya. The study, therefore, examined how women’s organizations create awareness in ownership rights to empower women and determined how gender policies by women’s organizations influence the empowerment of women. The study also examined how income generating activities by women’s organizations led to women's empowerment and the extent to which women’s organizations mobilize resources to empower women. The systems theory of organizations was used to understand the dynamics of women group organizations. A total of 20 women group organizations were included in the study, accounting for 500 members. Questionnaires were used for data collection and the data was analysed through quantitative means. Most women’s organizations creating awareness in ownership rights to empower women do not own assets of their own and believe that the land they live in belongs to their husbands and that they are in control over it. Most of the organizations generate income for women through activities such as the sale of farm produce, cash from labour activities and cash from their husbands. Based on the findings, the study recommended that leaders should establish women’s councils to participate in leadership matters to empower them and be part of agenda formulation and decision making


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17 August, 2021
How to Cite
Lupembe, A., & wa Teresia, J. (2021). Drought Management by Formal and Informal Organizations of Kajiado County, Kenya; Special Reference to Role of Women. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, 3(1), 119-128. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.3.1.386

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