Safety and Compliance in Selected Construction sites of Nairobi County: A case Study of Reynolds Construction Company Nairobi Kenya

  • Wilson Kabiru Wanjiru The Technical University of Kenya
  • John Ndikaru wa Teresia, PhD The Technical University of Kenya
Keywords: Safety, Variables, Environment, Hazard, Employment, salary, Health, Construction, Accident, Preparedness
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Health and safety issues are a critical consideration in workplaces and more particularly, construction sites where accidents are prone to occur. This study aimed at examining the compliance levels of health and safety issues at construction sites in Kenya based on the case of Reynold Construction Company in Nairobi County. The study adopted a quantitative research design. Stratified sampling was adopted and therefore, the target research population was divided into strata that consisted of departments in the organization, where 5% of the population were sampled from each department. A total of 45 respondents were selected out of 250 employees at Reynold Construction Company. The questionnaire, observation method and document analysis were used to collect data. Descriptive analysis was used for the quantitative data that was collected using the questionnaire. The study found that safety is addressed to some extent at the company but there is still room for improvement especially on health preparedness. The study concluded that the company’s employees should be shown safety audit documents that addresses all areas of safety and health. The employees should be involved in workplace inspection. A health and safety committee should be inclusive of all cadres.


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17 August, 2021
How to Cite
Wanjiru, W., & wa Teresia, J. (2021). Safety and Compliance in Selected Construction sites of Nairobi County: A case Study of Reynolds Construction Company Nairobi Kenya. East African Journal of Engineering, 3(1), 50-56.

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