Factors Leading to High Turnover of House Helps: A Case Study of Shaabab Estate in Nakuru Town

  • Nancy Cheseto, PhD Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Workers, Turnover, House Helps, Shaabab Estate, Nakuru Town
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Most of us are familiar with the workers known as house helps. You have known them since childhood and saw them almost as much as your parents, if not more. They probably felt like family, even more so that some of your relatives. However, despite the presence of these pseudo-familial bonds, those working in this profession are experiencing high turnover. Why is that? Some may argue poor terms and conditions of work are the cause, others claim discrimination by the employers’ plays a part and some believe it’s a lack of job security. In order to ascertain a concrete understanding, all factors must be tackled individually using appropriate methodology and research approaches so as to identify hidden links that will aid in constructing the final results. What is its impact? A high turnover brings with it a whole host of effects, both positive and negative. Therefore, it is imperative to find measures to deal with such effects in a manner that enables constructive development for both the house help and the employer. How can it be addressed? Tackling this particular issue is not easy, however, upon identifying the factors driving the high turnover, proactive approaches must be taken so as to avoid or at least limit turnover of this magnitude among house helps. This paper seeks to tackle all the aforementioned issues, using reliable and verified sources, accurate figures, effective methodology and well-built design.


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27 August, 2020
How to Cite
Cheseto, N. (2020). Factors Leading to High Turnover of House Helps: A Case Study of Shaabab Estate in Nakuru Town. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 2(1), 60-66. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajass.2.1.198