Examining the Impact of Social Workers on Overcoming Rehabilitation Challenges for Individuals Undergoing Community Service Sentences in Butimba Central Prison, Tanzania

  • Leonard Winston The Open University of Tanzania
  • Johnas Buhori, PhD The Open University of Tanzania
Keywords: Social Worker, Rehabilitation Challenges, Community Service Rehabilitation
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Globally, there is an increasing outcry on the congestion of prisoners on their welfare and human rights. To deal with such congestion, the government of Tanzania introduced the community service, intending to reduce the number of prisoners and, ultimately, the congestion of prisoners. This study aimed to examine the Impact of Social Workers on Overcoming Rehabilitation Challenges for Individuals Undergoing Community Service Sentences in Butimba Central Prison, Tanzania," The specific objectives were to investigate the specific rehabilitation challenges faced by individuals undergoing community service sentences in Butimba Central Prison, Tanzania, and to explore how social workers address these challenges. Social cognitive theory guides the study, and the study design is qualitative. Data was collected using interviews with 20 participants, observations, and document analysis. Findings highlighted pervasive stigma, discrimination, reintegration struggles, and employment difficulties among individuals in community service sentences. Social workers' interventions included counselling, family mediation, advocacy for societal acceptance, successful reintegration, reduced recidivism rates, and a more inclusive environment not adequately addressed. Social workers' challenges, including limited resources, community resistance, and legal barriers, hindered rehabilitation programs' effectiveness. The study recommended developing targeted training programs, enhancing stakeholder collaboration, and implementing evidence-based practices. The conclusion emphasised ongoing support, policy reforms, and holistic interventions in correctional settings for positive outcomes during the transition to community life


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24 May, 2024
How to Cite
Winston, L., & Buhori, J. (2024). Examining the Impact of Social Workers on Overcoming Rehabilitation Challenges for Individuals Undergoing Community Service Sentences in Butimba Central Prison, Tanzania. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(1), 304-315. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajass.7.1.1943