Obstacles of Applying Supply Chain Management Concepts (SCM) in the Jordanian Construction Sector

  • Sharaf Al-Deen Waleed AL-Smadi Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Rakan Al Mnaseer Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Abdalrahman Hammoudah Yousef Alhndawi Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Amjad Shafiq Mahmoud Husienat Universiti Putra Malaysia


The use of supply chain management in industry has been quite successful, particularly in the industrial sector. In today ’s marketplace, Jordanian construction firms must compete not only with local but also with international companies; therefore, the use of supply chain management is critical to improving efficiency and increasing competitive advantage. A survey was conducted in this study to investigate the main obstacles for adopting supply chain management to the Jordanian construction sector. The survey questionnaire was created by summarizing and incorporating prior findings, as well as consulting with specialists. Participants in the poll were those who have worked with main contractors and participated in construction projects. The findings revealed several major factors that obstruct the use of supply chain management in the construction industry.


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18 January, 2022