Cultivating Neurodiverse Connections Through Competent Leadership: Integrative Literature Review

  • Ann Gaceri Kaaria, PhD Kiriri Women’s’ University of Science and Technology
  • Grace Karamunta Karemu, PhD Kiriri Women’s’ University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Leadership, Neurodiversity, Neurodivergent, Neurodevelopmental Disorders Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
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This study examined the relationship between neurodiversity and leadership competency to create inclusive and encouraging settings. The concept of neurodiversity in the workplace stresses the acceptance and celebration of neurological variations, including autism, ADHD, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. In order to promote diversity, inclusion, and shape corporate culture, competent leadership is essential. In order to investigate how leaders might develop neurodiverse connections, this review synthesises the literature and looks at how they may embrace inclusive practices, recognise the special advantages and difficulties faced by neurodivergent people, and create a positive work environment. An extensive review of the present state of knowledge in this burgeoning topic is provided by the analysis, which includes studies from a variety of disciplines such as management, organisational behaviour, and psychology. The results underscore the significance of leadership competencies, including empathy, adaptability, and communication, in fostering settings that enable neurodivergent persons, hence augmenting creativity and efficiency. Furthermore, this study investigated the complex relationship between neurodiversity and leadership ability, with a particular emphasis on creating inclusive and supportive workplace settings. The findings highlight the importance of competent leadership in encouraging diversity, inclusiveness, and moulding corporate culture, particularly in terms of embracing neurodiverse relationships. As a result, this assessment suggests that leaders actively engage in inclusive practices, recognise the particular strengths and challenges that neurodivergent people confront, and help to create a pleasant work environment. Moving forward, it is believed that applying these recommendations will result in a more inclusive workplace culture, increasing acceptance and appreciation of neurological variances such as autism, ADHD, and other neurodevelopmental diseases. Organisations may empower neurodivergent individuals by building leadership abilities such as empathy, adaptability, and effective communication, resulting in increased creativity and efficiency. This study, which draws on a thorough evaluation of current knowledge from a variety of fields, is an invaluable resource for organisations looking to promote neurodiversity and capitalise on its potential benefits in the pursuit of a more inclusive and innovative workplace


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11 March, 2024
How to Cite
Kaaria, A., & Karemu, G. (2024). Cultivating Neurodiverse Connections Through Competent Leadership: Integrative Literature Review. International Journal of Advanced Research, 7(1), 93-121.