Christological Contextualization as a Parameter to Strengthen Theology Formulation and Enhance Christian Evangelization in Africa

  • Peter Lee Ochieng Oduor, PhD Africa International University
Keywords: Christology, Contextualization, Africanization, Ethiopianism, Incarnational, Indigenizing
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The quest for a contextual African Christianity is one that theological scholarship in Africa should be keen to formulate and construct if the Christian message is to gain the much-needed impact and transformational agenda that will facilitate the process of evangelization of the continent. This is because our theological discourse must be incarnational in theology and methodology. Our study endeavours to submit a contribution in this solemn expedition through an emphasis on the necessity of a contextualized Christology that is cognizant of the African realities and heritage to make the message of Christ be at home to the indigenous African audience. This calls for a paramount understanding of the history of the African people, the African primal religions and most importantly the African culture. The Understanding of these critical issues that together construct the identity of the African will enable the presenter of the Christological message to present the person of Christ that is relevant and addresses the perennial problems that are faced by African communities. This will in the long run make the African to be persuaded to the need to establish a relationship with Christ who is to him a friend or family, Mediator or Ancestor per excellence, Life giver or Healer, and Leader per excellence. These are the realities that Africans would be quick to identify and associate with. To accomplish this, the study observed the significance of the doctrine of Christology in the theological framework; it explored the means with which Christology was administered in Africa in the past. We were able to tackle the subject of Christological Contextualization by observing matters sources and methodology of African Christology and building on the same towards the models that are favourable to Christology in Africa


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14 September, 2021
How to Cite
Oduor, P. (2021). Christological Contextualization as a Parameter to Strengthen Theology Formulation and Enhance Christian Evangelization in Africa. East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 3(2), 58-78.