Shortage of School Physical Facilities as a Threat to Provision of Quality Education in Tanzania: A Case Morogoro Municipal Community Secondary Schools

  • Abdallah Sakibu Muslim University of Morogoro
  • Nashir Adam Kamugisha, PhD Muslim University of Morogoro
Keywords: School Physical Facilities, Physical Teaching and Learning Materials, Quality Education
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This paper sought to investigate the shortage of physical facilities and how it threatens the provision of quality education in Tanzania. The study was carried out in ten community secondary schools in Morogoro municipality. Data were collected by using a questionnaire, interview, and observation checklist from students, teachers, school quality assurance officers (SQAs), heads of schools, and Municipal Secondary Education Officers (MSEO) for primary data. Nevertheless, a documentary review was used to collect secondary data. The collected data were analysed by using descriptive statistics for quantitative data and content analysis for qualitative data. The findings revealed that there was an acute shortage of school physical facilities to enhance effective teaching and learning in all visited schools. Such scarcity threatens the provision of quality education in community secondary schools in Tanzania, particularly in Morogoro municipality. The study recommended that the government and its agencies, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) and Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) work as a team to minimise the noted challenges. Finally, the study ended by recommending that other researchers may conduct a similar study focusing on rural public and private secondary schools in Tanzania


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How to Cite
Sakibu, A., & Kamugisha, N. (2022). Shortage of School Physical Facilities as a Threat to Provision of Quality Education in Tanzania: A Case Morogoro Municipal Community Secondary Schools. East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(1), 231-141.