The Influences of Education Level and Multiple Incomes on Extension of Life after Retirement among Tanzanians

  • Michael Laurent Bukwimba Institute of Finance Management
Keywords: Multiple Income, Longevity, Social Security, Retirement, Pensions
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The study examines education level and multiple income of retired people in the United Republic of Tanzania influences retirees to live longer after retirement (longevity). Basing on the results produced by this study, they imply that a number of factors influence the longevity of retirees with varying statistical magnitude and particularly for the period of scrutiny. The findings showed that 87.7% of retirees having secondary school and tertiary education as their highest level of education were paid less than 199,999 TZS per month as compared to 16.7% who received same pension amount attained University education level. Meanwhile, the facts supporting that having multiple sources of income improves the welfare of a human being and hence early death immediately after leaving the job is minimized, there is only 13.51% of those having several sources of income died (figure 4.4) while an average of 87.8% of those with numerous incomes survived within eight years of their retirement period. The results depicts that there is no direct relation between education level and the survival or non-survival of the retirees but the impact of education level towards longevity may be seen through pension amounts and through investments. In other words, the results imply that death or survival of a person do not necessarily depend on education level of that particular person but rather remain to be a contingent. 


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10 June, 2022
How to Cite
Bukwimba, M. (2022). The Influences of Education Level and Multiple Incomes on Extension of Life after Retirement among Tanzanians. East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(1), 108-125.