Role of Tutors’ Social Reconstruction Orientation on Choice of Instructional Approaches in Public Primary Teachers’ Training Colleges in Kenya

  • Jacinta Katumbe Mutisya Kenyatta University
  • Wilfrida Arnodah Itolondo, PhD Kenyatta University
  • Samson Kariuki Ikinya, PhD Kenyatta University
Keywords: Social Reconstruction Orientation, Instructional Approaches, Social Competences, Integration of Societal Issues, Teacher Education Curriculum, Tutors, Primary Teacher Training Colleges
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Education acts as an instrument of social reconstruction and therefore, it must be capable of stabilising social order and conserving culture in the society to ensure sustainability. Tutor beliefs about a curriculum for social changes and adaptability upon which social reconstruction orientation is premised is vital in developing knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in teacher trainees is much needed to adapt to the ever-changing global demands. This study sought to determine tutors’ preference on the choice of instructional approaches; to determine tutors’ level of social reconstruction orientation to the teacher education curriculum and to establish the relationship between tutors’ social reconstruction orientation and choice of instructional approaches in public primary teacher training colleges in Kenya. This study adopted a correlational approach with a convergent mixed-methods approach. Questionnaires, interviews, classroom observation and document analysis were used to collect data. The sample population involved 178 tutors, 35 HODs, 20 classrooms and 4 documents purposively selected from five public primary teacher training colleges in Kenya. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse data as per the study objectives. The study found no significant relationship between social reconstruction orientation and choice of instructional approaches. Consequently, this may impact negatively on the development of a teacher that is engaged, empowered, ethical and globally competitive as is proposed in the current teacher education reforms in Kenya. The inadequate representation, the restricted framework, limited provision of interactive learning activities and policy on the integration of societal issues in the primary teacher education curriculum provided a poor link between theory on societal issues and practice. Professional development of tutors and relevant stakeholder engagement are crucial in changing the mindsets of tutors with regard to teaching a curriculum for social reconstruction.


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11 January, 2021
How to Cite
Mutisya, J., Itolondo, W., & Ikinya, S. (2021). Role of Tutors’ Social Reconstruction Orientation on Choice of Instructional Approaches in Public Primary Teachers’ Training Colleges in Kenya. East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1), 12-26.